Cloudways WordPress Hosting: Best Review Pros and Cons

Are you planning to shift your WordPress website to Cloudways WordPress Hosting? Or if new users are thinking of buying this Cloudways hosting. This Cloudways Hosting Review is going to be very useful for them.

Cloudways WordPress Hosting

What are the hosting requirements for a WordPress user? You will find all this information in these Cloudways WordPress hosting reviews. Cloudways is a relatively new company. Which has become very popular in the web hosting industry recently. But if you look at the webpage of Cloudways Hosting, it can be a bit confusing. Cloudways WordPress Hosting does not sell web hosting directly. They buy it from other people and then resell it to you.

Cloudways Pricing:

So let’s know about some important things about Cloudways Pricing. I believe you all should know about this before buying. There are many benefits to using Cloudways Hosting. It is very easy to use this hosting. You can control the servers of Cloudways Hosting by yourself. Cloudway hosting prices or budgets are slightly higher than other hosting.

So the goal of Cloudways WordPress Hosting is to make cloud-based hosting very simple so that everyone can benefit from this type of Cloudways hosting. It is a Managed Cloud Hosting service that supports WordPress, among other platforms. With Cloudways Hosting Review, you can easily create a great website on a high-performance cloud server through a user-friendly interface. And you can spread your knowledge to others through your website.

Features of Cloudways WordPress Hosting

First of all, it is important to clarify to you that Cloudways is not just one type of hosting provider. Cloudways WordPress Hosting gives you many cloud hosts, including DigitalOcean, Linode, Vultr, AWS, and Google Cloud on Cloudways. One of which enables one to set up a web application. When you create a new website on Cloudways Hosting, it gives you all kinds of features.

Which server you want to use for your website depends on which hosting plan you have registered with. Cloudways Hosting enables you to build a great website in no time using the cloud provider of your choice. If seen, it is easiest to use Cloudways Hosting plans as compared to any other hosting provider.

To configure the server according to this hosting, you will also be able to use some other features, which are given below.

  • You will be able to do a complete setup of the SSL certificate with one click.
  • Many versions of PHP are provided to help you.
  • You will be introduced to database management systems like MySQL and MariaDB.
  • SSH and FTP will be easily accessible through Cloudways WordPress Hosting.

Cloudways WordPress Hosting does not allow you to host an email or send it to a party. If you want to send an email, you can use SendGrid. Or you can store your message by buying Cloudways Email Hosting. If you see, Cloudways Hosting gives so many facilities that it is like a treasure, and there are a plethora of facilities.

Cloudways WordPress Hosting: Performance

After creating your website, if there is more traffic on the website and the server does not know how to tolerate it, you can increase the RAM and storage performance and manage the website at any time.

  • Free Migration: You can migrate the website to any other hosting platform for free.
  • 24/7 Support: Cloudways Hosting is available 24 hours a day to help their customers. If the customer has any kind of problem, then you can feel free to ask for help.
  • Free SSL Certificate: You can easily secure the website through SSL.

Cloudways Hosting Plans: Storage and Budget

Cloudways Hosting offers 5 types of plans that provide the facility of many tools for free at different prices.

Cloudways DigitalOcean Plans

Under this, there are two types of plans available in the Cloudways DigitalOcean Plans one is premium and the other is standard. There is no significant difference between these two plans.

A. DigitalOcean Premium Plan: Cloudways WordPress Hosting’s DigitalOcean Premium Plan, $12/mo $26/mo, $50/mo, and $96/mo can buy all these plans. As the price increases, the RAM, storage, and processor will increase accordingly. And the availability of tools will also increase.

$12/month: In this plan, you will be able to take advantage of a lot of convenience, with 1 GB of RAM, 1 core processor, and 25GB of storage.

  • Easy-to-use Cloudflare Add-on Tool
  • Free SSL will keep your website secure
  • 24/7 customer support will be available
  • Automated Backup will be available

In the $26/month plan, you will be able to use the Free Object Cache Pro Tool in addition to all other tools with 2 GB of RAM, 50GB of storage, and 1 core processor.

$50/month: In this plan, you will get some additional storage and processing.

  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Processor: 2 Core
  • Storage: 80 GB

$96/month: Under this plan, you will be able to use all the tools given in the above plan and get more storage and processors.

  • RAM: 8 GB
  • Processor: 4 Core
  • Storage: 160 GB

B. DigitalOcean Standard Plan: DigitalOcean’s Standard plan is slightly cheaper than the Premium plan, but all the tools and storage are the same as the Premium plan. You can buy four types of plans for $10/mo, $22/mo, $42/mo, and $80/mo.

Cloudways WordPress Hosting: VULTR Plan

There are also two types of plans available for you in the Cloudways Vultr Hosting Plan under Cloudways WordPress Hosting. High-frequency and another is the standard plan. Now it depends on which plan you choose.

VULTR High-Frequency Plan: In this plan, you can also take hosting at 4 different price rates.

  • $13/month: In this, you will get 32GB of storage with 1GB of RAM and 1GB of processor. Which is enough for a website or blog.
  • $26/Month: You can buy this plan for just $26 per month. In this plan, you will be given the facility of Free Object Cache Pro Tools. In this, you will get 2GB of RAM Processor 1 Core, and Storage 64GB.
  • $50/month: Under this, you will get 4GB of RAM and Processor 2 Core and Storage up to 128GB. And if you talk about the tool, then you will be able to use it like the above plan.
  • $100/month: In this, you will also get all the same tools that are bought for $ 50 but will get Storage 256GB and Processor 3 Core and up to 8GB of RAM.

2nd VULTR Standard Plan – This plan will be slightly cheaper than the High Frequency plan $11/month, $23/month, $44/month, $84/month and there is also some shortage in Storage RAM Processor. But the tools you will get all that will be found in the High Frequency plan.

Linode Cloudways Hosting plan

Linode Cloudways Hosting Plan is also very good in Cloudways WordPress Hosting and this plan also starts from $12/month. Which is very special in itself, you can upgrade its plan whenever you want. And the features of Auto Backup will also be available in this plan.

$12/Month: In this plan, you can take advantage of Cloudflare Addon and Free SSL and Free Migration facility.

  • RAM 1GB
  • Processor 1 Core
  • Storage 25GB

$24/Month: In the second plan, you will get more storage and will also be able to use Free Object Cache Pro.

  • RAM 2GB
  • Processor 1 Core
  • Storage 50GB

$50/Month: This plan is a bit expensive but in this, you get more storage and processor so that you will be able to store more data on your website.

  • RAM 4GB
  • Processor 2 Core
  • Storage 80GB

$ 90 / Month: This plan of Linode Hosting is the most expensive, under this plan you can build any kind of website.

  • RAM 8GB
  • Processor 4 Core
  • Storage 160GB

AWS Cloudways Hosting Plan

Amazon Web Service ie AWS Cloudways Hosting provides a Cloud Computing Hosting Platform. Which provides the services of creating websites through virtual machines. Amazon Web Service (AWS) provides many types of services which are as follows.

  • EC2- Elastic Compute Cloud
  • S3- Simple Storage Service
  • RDS- Relational Database Service
  • EBS- Elastic Block Store
  • Auto Scaling, Elastic Load Balancing

Provides many more types of services which can be seen by visiting its official website. AWS was established in 2002 in Washington, USA, it carried forward its business as the first stock exchange. And then gradually by increasing his steps in other areas, he got himself iron in the whole world. AWS is a subsidiary of that provides cloud-based services for developers, businesses, and consumers. One of which is web hosting.

Amazon Web Service (AWS) Price and Features

AWS offers 4 types of web hosting which are known to have different features depending on their prices. If we talk about the service and tools on Cloudways WordPress Hosting, then there is a Free Object Cache Pro tool that enhances the glory of this hosting. Through this tool, you can recover any image or photo in your database. This can save you a lot of time if a lot of images are stocked and you want to load this hosting.

$36.51/mo: This plan is a bit expensive than other hosting plans but can’t call it expensive based on its services.

  • RAM 2GB
  • vCPU 2
  • Storage 20GB

With AWS Hosting, you will be able to take advantage of the convenience of some of the tools that all the hosting services provide. Cloudflare Add-on and Free SSL as well as there is no charge for you to migrate the website. Amazon Web Service provides Automated Backups for websites and can also use SSH and SFTP access.

$86.77/mo: This plan will get slightly more storage and RAM, which will increase the load capacity of the website.

  • RAM 4GB
  • vCPU 2
  • Storage 20GB

$176.26/mo: Will be able to avail of all the services in this plan as well. If you want to take more storage in this hosting then you will have to pay extra for it.

  • RAM 8GB
  • vCPU 2
  • Storage 20GB


  • RAM 16GB
  • vCPU 2
  • Storage 20GB

You will not be able to use any trial version of this hosting.

Cloudways Hosting Pros & Cons

In Cloudways WordPress Hosting Review, you get a lot of information about hosting and know some Pros and Cons about its performance features and support.


  • The server facility is very good in this hosting.
  • You can control its server by yourself.
  • You can set up a website in very little time.


  • Its budget is a bit high compared to other hosting.
  • Helping services are ok but not very good.
  • They buy hosting from other people and then resell it to you.


If you are using a service like Cloudways WordPress Hosting. And taking advantage of all their features. If you are very capable of using it, then it is very easy to create a website on such a platform. If you are also interested in this hosting, then you can look towards Cloudways WordPress Hosting.


Q: Is Cloudways WordPress hosting priced competitively?

Yes, Cloudways offers various hosting plans with different pricing tiers. While it may be slightly higher than some other hosting options, it provides Managed Cloud Hosting services with added features.

Q: What cloud hosting providers does Cloudways support?

Cloudways supports multiple cloud hosts, including DigitalOcean, Linode, Vultr, AWS, and Google Cloud. Users can choose their preferred provider based on their hosting needs.

Q: Does Cloudways WordPress Hosting provide free SSL certificates?

Yes, Cloudways offers a one-click setup for SSL certificates, allowing users to easily secure their websites. This is included as a part of their hosting services.

Q: How does Cloudways handle website performance and scalability?

Cloudways allows users to adjust server resources like RAM and storage to manage website performance, making it scalable to accommodate increased traffic. Free migration services are also available.

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