How to Make a Blog Look Professional: Change Blog Design in Blogger Very Easy

If you have created a blog on the Blogger platform. So today I will know how to change the look of the blog and Make a Blog Look Professional. How to make the theme page and layout look good. And how to format widgets and background and font style etc.

Make a Blog Look Professional

How to Make a Blog Look Professional

If you want to change the layout color scheme etc. of the blog. So you can change them very easily. Which will make the look and design of your blog look different.

Change Blog Gadget

You can delete the useless gadgets on your blog. In the blog, you can show all the posts by applying the gadgets of your post Label Pages and Blog Archive, etc. First sign in to Blogger. Now try it in Blogger’s Dashboard. And the arrow button that appears on the left side. Click on it to switch to the Layout option. Now all the widgets and menus and post widgets you see in Page Body are visible.

Now click on Add Gadget to apply Label’s widget. A new window will open from which you click on Label. And you can set the label from which style you want to show it. Then save the widget by clicking on Save. Click on Save Arrangement and save the layout changes.

Make a Blog Look Professional with HTML or CSS

If you know how to play with HTML or CSS. So you can Make a Blog Look Professional of your blog in a very great way. With which you can give a new look to the blog. Now try it in Blogger’s Dashboard. The arrow button or three-dash line is visible on the left side. Click on it to enter the Theme option. Now click on the Edit HTML option appearing in it. Now you can play HTML using your mind. If you want to gain knowledge of HTML. So Google can do this, you will find a lot of HTML teaching websites.

Make a Blog Look Professional Using the Theme

Blogger already has a lot of themes. You can use any of these themes as you wish. Or you can give a Make a Blog Look Professional by downloading themes from other platforms putting them in the blog and changing the design.

Select Theme

Come to Blogger Dashboard. Navigate to the menu that appears on the left. Now click on the Theme option which appears in the menu bar. You will see a lot of themes. Select the theme from which you want. And then click on Apply to Blog. You can download a backup of the theme if you want. Click on Backup / Restore which appears on the right. And click on Download Theme. Your theme will be downloaded.

Customize the Theme

To customize the theme, come to the Blogger Dashboard. Navigate to the menu that appears on the left. Now click on the Theme option which appears in the menu bar. Click on the customize option under it. Now you can set the background image, color, length width, and layout.

Change the Color and Size of the Font

The color of the font can change the font style and size. Switch to Blogger Dashboard. Navigate to the menu that appears on the left. Now click on the Theme option which appears in the menu bar. Click on the customize option under it.

Then click on the Advanced option at the top left. Now all the formatting of the font can be done from here. For example, you are increasing the font size and changing the font color. And setting the style of the font and so on. When something Makes a Blog Look Professional then click on Apply to Blog and save all the customizations.

Customize Layout CSS Tags 

If you know about CSS to Make a Blog Look Professional, then you can customize the CSS tag, page element tag, and widget tag for the layout.

How to Set Variables in a Blog 

Variables are used in programming. This means making a Make a Blog Look Professional. Where the user inputs something. So he stores it, Whatever code you want to enter under the <head> section. we also close it in the last like this code is started <b: skin> and then closed </b: skin>. How to change the look of the blog.


By following these steps and utilizing the customization options available on Blogger, you can create a professional-looking blog with a personalized Make a Blog Look Professional design and layout.


Q: How can I change the font style and size on my blog?

You can change the font style and size by navigating to the “Theme” option, selecting “Customize,” and then adjusting the font settings under “Advanced.”

Q: Can I download themes from other platforms and use them on Blogger? A:

Yes, you can download themes from other platforms, upload them to your blog, and apply them through the “Theme” option on Blogger.

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