Understanding SEO-Friendly Blogger Theme Install and Customise Footer Full Information

In the realm of digital marketing, where visibility is paramount, SEO-friendly Blogger themes emerge as indispensable tools for bloggers and website owners alike. These themes are meticulously crafted to align with the principles of search engine optimization, ensuring maximum visibility and reach for your content. Let’s delve into what makes a Blogger theme SEO-friendly and how you can seamlessly upload and leverage its potential on the Blogger platform.

SEO-friendly Blogger theme

1- Lateste Frameify Free Theme

2- OnePress Blogger Theme  

What Defines The SEO-friendly Blogger themes?

An SEO-friendly Blogger theme is meticulously engineered to meet the stringent requirements set forth by search engines like Google. It encompasses various elements, each strategically designed to enhance your website’s visibility and ranking. Here are some key attributes:

1. Clean and Lightweight Code

An SEO-Friendly Blogger Theme boasts clean, lightweight code that facilitates swift loading times. Search engines prioritize websites that offer optimal user experience, and fast-loading pages significantly contribute to a positive user experience.

2. Responsive Design

In the era of mobile dominance, responsive design is non-negotiable. An SEO-Friendly Blogger Themes seamlessly adapts to various screen sizes and devices, ensuring that your content looks impeccable across smartphones, tablets, and desktops. This not only enhances user experience but also signals to search engines that your website is modern and user-friendly.

3. Schema Markup Integration

Schema markup plays a pivotal role in enhancing your website’s visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). An SEO-friendly Blogger theme integrates schema markup effectively, providing search engines with valuable context about your content. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of rich snippets, such as star ratings and product information, appearing alongside your search results.

4. Optimized for Speed and Performance

Speed is of the essence in the digital landscape, and an SEO-friendly Blogger theme is optimized to deliver exceptional speed and performance. From efficient caching mechanisms to minified CSS and JavaScript files, every aspect is fine-tuned to ensure swift page loading times, thereby enhancing user satisfaction and search engine ranking.

5. SEO Best Practices Implementation

From customizable meta tags to SEO-friendly URL structures, an SEO-friendly Blogger theme incorporates a myriad of on-page optimization techniques. This empowers you to fine-tune crucial elements like titles, descriptions, and headings, thereby maximizing your website’s visibility and relevance to search queries.

Uploading an SEO-Friendly Blogger Themes

Now that we’ve elucidated the essence of an SEO-friendly Blogger theme, let’s proceed to the pivotal step of uploading this template on Blogger.

Step 1: Acquiring the Theme

Begin by acquiring an SEO-friendly Blogger theme from a reputable source. You can explore various online marketplaces and platforms specializing in Blogger themes. Ensure that the theme aligns with your aesthetic preferences and encompasses the aforementioned SEO-centric features.

Step 2: Accessing Blogger Dashboard

Navigate to the Blogger dashboard and sign in using your credentials. Once logged in, select the blog to which you wish to apply the new theme.

Step 3: Theme Configuration

In the left-hand menu, locate and click on the “Theme” option. Here, you’ll be presented with your current theme and various customization options. To upload the new theme, click on the “Backup / Restore” button.

Step 4: Uploading the Theme

Choose the SEO-friendly Blogger theme file that you previously downloaded and click “Upload.” The Blogger platform will proceed to upload and apply the new theme to your blog. Once completed, you’ll receive a confirmation message, signaling the successful implementation of the theme.

Step 5: Customization and Optimization

With the new SEO-friendly Blogger Theme in place, take advantage of the customization options available within the Blogger dashboard. Fine-tune elements such as colors, fonts, and layout to align with your brand identity. Additionally, leverage built-in SEO settings to optimize meta tags, headings, and other on-page elements for enhanced visibility.

Step 1: Accessing Website CMS

Navigate to your website’s content management system (CMS) and log in with your credentials. Access the backend dashboard to begin customizing the blog footer.

Step 2: Selecting Footer Widgets or Sections

Depending on your CMS platform, locate the section dedicated to footer customization. Choose the option to add widgets or sections to the footer area.

Step 3: Adding Content and Links

Start by adding essential content such as contact information, navigation links, and social media icons. Customize the appearance and layout to align with your website’s aesthetics and branding.

Step 4: Integrating Copyright Notice

Include a copyright notice at the bottom of the footer, typically accompanied by the copyright symbol, year, and website name. This asserts your ownership of the content and protects it from infringement.

Step 5: Incorporating Sitemap Links

If applicable, include sitemap links in the footer to improve website crawlability and indexing. Ensure the sitemap is structured logically and includes all relevant pages.

Step 6: Previewing and Saving Changes

Preview the blog footer to ensure everything appears as intended. Make any necessary adjustments before saving your changes to apply the updated footer to your website.

If you want to customize the footer of the theme you have uploaded to the blog, you can.

  1. Theme: First of all, after you come to the Blogger Dashboard, click on Theme.
  2. Edit HTML: Now click on Edit HTML. When it is fully opened, then you press the Ctrl+F button from the keyboard.

Now open your blog come to it and select Design by copying it. And paste it in the Find box. Now if you press the Enter button twice from the keyboard, this code will be selected. There is no need to tamper with it, just you have to adjust the code given below.

<div class = ‘footer-copyright’ id = ‘footer-copyright’>

You will get this code, after going to the end of this you press the enter button twice and then enter this code.

<p style = ‘text-align: left;’> Copyright & # 169; 2020 <a href=’https://xiontechinfo.com/’> XioneTechinfo </a> All Right Reserved </p>   <div class = ‘ty-copy-container row’ style = ‘font-size: 1px; opacity: 0; ‘>

In this code, where the link to our blog is, you put the link of your blog in that place. And then in this code you have to add a small code.

Copy Blogger Theme </a> </span> </div> You will get just this code here and you type another code below.

</div> When all the code is complete, then you click on Save Theme above. Now you can see that your footer has changed.


In the dynamic realm of digital marketing, the significance of SEO-friendly Blogger themes cannot be overstated. These meticulously crafted themes serve as indispensable tools for bloggers and website owners, facilitating maximum visibility and reach for their content. By aligning with the principles of search engine optimization, SEO-friendly Blogger themes offer a strategic advantage, ensuring optimal user experience and enhanced search engine ranking. Through the seamless integration of clean code, responsive design, schema markup, speed optimization, and adherence to SEO best practices, these themes empower users to amplify their online presence and attract organic traffic.

Moreover, the process of uploading and customizing SEO-friendly Blogger themes is straightforward, thanks to intuitive platforms like Blogger. By following a systematic approach, users can effortlessly acquire, upload, and customize themes to align with their branding and optimization goals. Whether it’s enhancing the blog footer for improved navigation and engagement or optimizing on-page elements for enhanced visibility, leveraging the potential of SEO-friendly Blogger themes is paramount for success in the competitive digital landscape.


Q: What are SEO-friendly Blogger themes?

SEO-friendly Blogger themes are meticulously engineered templates designed to align with the principles of search engine optimization. These themes encompass various elements, including clean code, responsive design, schema markup integration, speed optimization, and adherence to SEO best practices, ensuring maximum visibility and reach for your content.

Q: Can I customize the footer of my SEO-friendly Blogger theme?

Yes, you can customize the footer of your SEO-friendly Blogger theme to align with your branding and optimization goals. Simply access the backend dashboard of your website’s content management system, select the footer customization option, and add essential content, links, and elements to enhance user experience and engagement.

Q: How do I upload an SEO-friendly Blogger theme?

Uploading an SEO-friendly Blogger theme is a straightforward process. Simply access your Blogger dashboard, navigate to the “Theme” section, and click on “Backup / Restore.” Choose the theme file you wish to upload, and the Blogger platform will proceed to apply the new theme to your blog.

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