What is Commission Junction Affiliate Network in 2023

Commission Junction (also known as CJ Affiliate) is a popular Commission Junction Affiliate Network that connects advertisers with publishers (also known as affiliates) who promote their products or services in exchange for a commission.

Commission Junction Affiliate Network
Commission Junction Affiliate Network

Advertisers (also known as merchants) can list their products or services on the CJ platform, and publishers can apply to promote those products or services on their websites, social media accounts, or other online channels. When a customer clicks on an affiliate link and makes a purchase or completes a specific action (such as filling out a form or signing up for a trial), the publisher earns a commission, which is a percentage of the sale.

Commission Junction Affiliate Network provides tracking, reporting, and payment processing services for both advertisers and publishers, making it easier for them to manage their affiliate marketing campaigns. The platform also offers various tools and resources, including promotional materials and performance insights, to help publishers optimize their campaigns and maximize their earnings.

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Commission Junction Affiliate Network Full History

Commission Junction Affiliate Network (CJ Affiliate) was founded in 1998 by three entrepreneurs: Lex Sisney, Todd Crawford, and Per Pettersen. The company started as a platform for managing and tracking affiliate marketing programs and quickly became one of the largest affiliate networks in the world.

In 2003, Commission Junction Affiliate Network was acquired by ValueClick, Inc. (now known as Conversant, Inc.), a digital marketing company based in California. Under ValueClick’s ownership, Commission Junction continued to expand its reach and capabilities, adding new features and services to its platform.

CJ Affiliate platform

In 2014, ValueClick announced the spin-off of its affiliate marketing business as a standalone company, called CJ Affiliate by Conversant. The new company was focused solely on affiliate marketing and had over 3,000 advertisers and 70,000 publishers on its network.

In 2019, CJ Affiliate was acquired by Publicis Groupe, a global marketing and communications company based in France, as part of its strategy to expand its digital marketing capabilities.

Today, CJ Affiliate is one of the largest and most established affiliate marketing networks, with a global reach and a broad range of advertisers and publishers. The platform offers advanced tracking and reporting tools, customized performance insights, and various promotional resources to help advertisers and publishers optimize their affiliate marketing campaigns and maximize their revenue.

How to Join Commission Junction Affiliate Network

If you want to join Commission Junction Affiliate Network (CJ Affiliate) as a publisher, here are the steps you can follow:

  1. Go to the CJ Affiliate website at www.cj.com and click on the “Publisher Sign-Up” button.
  2. Fill out the registration form with your personal and website information. You will need to provide your name, email address, website URL, and some additional details about your website, such as its topic and traffic sources.
  3. Agree to the terms and conditions of the CJ Affiliate Publisher Service Agreement.
  4. Verify your email address by clicking on the verification link sent to your email.
  5. Once your application is submitted, CJ Affiliate will review your website to ensure it meets their requirements. This review process may take up to several days.
  6. If your application is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to log in to your CJ Affiliate account and start promoting products or services.

It’s important to note that CJ Affiliate has specific requirements for their publishers, such as having a functional website with original content and a reasonable amount of traffic. Make sure you read and understand the Publisher Service Agreement and the program policies before applying to ensure that you meet all the requirements.

An Affiliate Program with Commission Junction

To participate in an affiliate program with Commission Junction Affiliate Network, you need to sign up as a publisher on their platform and apply to join the affiliate programs of the merchants listed on CJ. Here are the steps you can follow:

  • Sign up as a publisher on the CJ Affiliate website by following the steps I outlined in my previous answer.
  • Once you have access to your CJ Affiliate account, you can browse the list of available affiliate programs. You can search for programs by category, advertiser name, or keyword.
  • When you find an affiliate program that you want to join, click on the “Join Program” button. You will be directed to an application page where you will need to provide some additional information, such as how you plan to promote the advertiser’s products or services and your website’s traffic sources.
  • The advertiser will review your application and decide whether to approve or reject it. If your application is approved, you will be able to access the advertiser’s affiliate program materials, such as banners, links, and product feeds, which you can use to promote their products or services on your website or other online channels.
  • When a customer clicks on one of your affiliate links and completes a purchase or other desired action, you will earn a commission, which will be credited to your CJ Affiliate account. You can track your earnings and performance metrics on the CJ Affiliate dashboard and receive payments for your commissions on a regular basis.

It’s important to note that each advertiser may have different commission rates, terms, and conditions, so make sure you read and understand their program details before applying. Also, make sure you comply with the CJ Affiliate program policies and advertising guidelines to avoid any issues or account suspension.

How to work as a Commission Junction Affiliate Network (CJ Affiliate)?

To work as a CJ Affiliate, you need to sign up as a publisher on the Commission Junction Affiliate Network platform and apply to join the affiliate programs of the merchants listed on CJ.

  • Sign up as a publisher on the CJ Affiliate website by providing your personal and website information, agreeing to the terms and conditions of the CJ Affiliate Publisher Service Agreement, and verifying your email address.
  • Once you have access to your CJ Affiliate account, browse the list of available affiliate programs and apply to join the programs that fit your interests and audience.
  • When you get approved to join a program, access the advertiser’s affiliate program materials, such as banners, links, and product feeds, and use them to promote their products or services on your website or other online channels.
  • Drive traffic to the advertiser’s website through your affiliate links and earn a commission when a customer completes a purchase or other desired action.
  • Monitor your performance metrics, such as clicks, conversions, and earnings, on the CJ Affiliate dashboard and use the insights to optimize your campaigns and improve your results.
  • Receive payments for your commissions on a regular basis and comply with the CJ Affiliate program policies and advertising guidelines to avoid any issues or account suspension.

It’s important to note that to be successful as a (Commission Junction Affiliate Network CJ Affiliate), you need to choose the right affiliate programs that align with your audience’s interests and needs, create quality content that promotes the advertiser’s products or services, and engage with your audience through various channels to drive traffic and conversions.

Also, make sure you comply with the CJ Affiliate program policies and advertising guidelines to avoid any issues or account suspension.

Commission Junction Affiliate Network Trusted by Advertisers and Publishers

Yes, CJ Affiliate Network is widely trusted by both advertisers and publishers in the affiliate marketing industry. Here are some reasons why:

Established Reputation

CJ Affiliate has been in the affiliate marketing business for over 20 years, and it has built a strong reputation as one of the largest and most reputable affiliate networks in the world. Advertisers and publishers know that CJ Affiliate has a long track record of success and is committed to providing reliable and effective affiliate marketing services.

High-Quality Network Commission Junction Affiliate Network

CJ Affiliate is selective about the advertisers and publishers it works with, ensuring that only high-quality, reputable partners are allowed on the network. This helps to maintain a high standard of performance and reliability across the platform.

Advanced Technology Commission Junction Affiliate Network

CJ Affiliate offers advanced tracking and reporting tools that help advertisers and publishers optimize their campaigns and track their results in real time. The platform is constantly updated with new features and functionalities that help users stay ahead of the competition.

Dedicated Support Commission Junction Affiliate Network

CJ Affiliate provides dedicated support to both advertisers and publishers, with a team of experts available to help with any questions or issues that may arise. The company also offers training and resources to help users get the most out of the platform.

Payment Reliability

Commission Junction Affiliate Network is known for its reliable payment system, with payments made on a regular basis and in a timely manner. This helps to build trust and confidence among advertisers and publishers, who know that they will receive their commissions on time and without any issues.

Overall, CJ Affiliate Network has a strong reputation for providing high-quality, reliable, and effective affiliate marketing services, and it is trusted by many advertisers and publishers around the world.

Global Opportunity Commission Junction

Commission Junction Affiliate Network offers a global opportunity for both advertisers and publishers to expand their reach and grow their businesses in various markets around the world. Here are some ways that CJ Affiliate can help you tap into global opportunities:

Global Reach

CJ Affiliate has a large and diverse network of advertisers and publishers from all around the world, which means that you can connect with partners in different markets and expand your reach beyond your local audience.

International Advertisers Commission Junction Affiliate Network

CJ Affiliate works with a wide range of international advertisers, giving publishers the opportunity to promote products and services from brands that are popular in different countries and regions.

Multi-Language Support Commission Junction Affiliate Network

CJ Affiliate offers support for multiple languages, making it easier for advertisers and publishers to connect with partners in different markets and communicate effectively with their audience.

Advanced Tracking and Reporting Commission Junction Affiliate Network

CJ Affiliate provides advanced tracking and reporting tools that allow advertisers and publishers to monitor their performance metrics in real-time across multiple markets, giving them valuable insights into their campaigns and helping them optimize their strategies.

Customizable Campaigns Commission Junction Affiliate Network

Commission Junction Affiliate Network allows advertisers to customize their campaigns based on different regions, languages, and audience segments, enabling them to target specific markets more effectively and efficiently.

Overall, Commission Junction Affiliate Network provides a global opportunity for both advertisers and publishers to tap into different markets, connect with international partners, and grow their businesses on a global scale. With its advanced technology, diverse network, and customizable solutions, CJ Affiliate can help you reach new audiences and achieve your marketing goals in different parts of the world.

Commission Junction Tech and Innovation

Commission Junction Affiliate Network (CJ Affiliate) is known for its advanced technology and innovative solutions in the affiliate marketing industry. Here are some ways that CJ Affiliate has leveraged technology to drive innovation:

Advanced Tracking and Reporting Commission Junction Affiliate Network

Commission Junction Affiliate Network (CJ Affiliate) offers a sophisticated tracking and reporting system that allows advertisers and publishers to monitor their campaigns in real-time and track key performance metrics such as clicks, conversions, and earnings. This data can be used to optimize campaigns and improve results.

Robust API Commission Junction Affiliate Network

CJ Affiliate provides a powerful API that enables developers to build custom integrations with the platform, allowing for greater flexibility and customization.

Cross-Device Tracking Commission Junction Affiliate Network

Commission Junction Affiliate Network uses advanced tracking technology to track user activity across multiple devices, ensuring that publishers receive credit for conversions that occur on different devices.

Automated Optimization Commission Junction Affiliate Network

Commission Junction Affiliate Network offers automated optimization tools that use machine learning to identify the best-performing offers and automatically adjust campaign settings to improve performance.

Real-Time Alerts

CJ Affiliate Network provides real-time alerts for important events such as new transactions, changes in account status, or performance milestones, allowing advertisers and publishers to stay up-to-date on their campaigns.

Mobile App Commission Junction Affiliate Network

CJ Affiliate offers a mobile app for iOS and Android devices, providing on-the-go access to campaign data, performance metrics, and other key features.

Overall, Commission Junction Affiliate Network is committed to using technology to drive innovation and improve the affiliate marketing experience for both advertisers and publishers. With its advanced tracking and reporting tools, powerful API, cross-device tracking, automated optimization, real-time alerts, and mobile app, CJ Affiliate continues to lead the way in affiliate marketing technology and innovation.

Content Solution Commission Junction Affiliate Network

Commission Junction Affiliate Network offers content solutions for publishers to help them create high-quality content that drives traffic and conversions. Here are some ways that CJ Affiliate can help publishers with their content:

Product Feeds

CJ Affiliate provides access to product feeds from thousands of advertisers, giving publishers a wealth of information about products and services they can promote on their websites.

CJ Affiliate offers a variety of link types, including text links, banner ads, and deep links, that publishers can use to promote specific products or services.

Content Creation Tools

CJ Affiliate provides tools and resources to help publishers create high-quality content, such as product reviews, blog posts, and social media updates. These tools can help publishers generate engaging content that resonates with their audience and drives conversions.

Commissionable Content

CJ Affiliate enables publishers to create commissionable content, such as articles and videos, that are monetized through affiliate links. This can help publishers earn additional revenue from their content and provide value to their audience.

Affiliate Widgets

CJ Affiliate offers a variety of widgets that publishers can use to display products and services on their websites in a visually appealing and engaging way. These widgets can help publishers promote products more effectively and drive more conversions.

Overall, CJ Affiliate provides a range of content solutions that can help publishers create engaging, high-quality content that drives traffic and conversions. With its product feeds, custom links, content creation tools, commissionable content, and affiliate widgets, CJ Affiliate can help publishers monetize their content and build a successful affiliate marketing strategy.

Influencer Marketing Commission Junction Affiliate Network

Commission Junction (CJ Affiliate) offers opportunities for influencer marketing, allowing advertisers to partner with influencers to promote their products and services. Here are some ways that CJ Affiliate can help advertisers with influencer marketing:

Large Network of Influencers

CJ Affiliate has a large network of influencers from various industries and niches, making it easier for advertisers to find the right influencers to promote their products.

Customizable Campaigns

CJ Affiliate offers customizable campaigns that can be tailored to the needs of individual advertisers, including influencer marketing campaigns. Advertisers can create campaigns that target specific audiences, utilize specific content types, and integrate with specific social media platforms.

Performance-based Payments

CJ Affiliate operates on a performance-based payment model, meaning that influencers only get paid when they drive conversions. This ensures that advertisers get a return on their investment and that influencers are motivated to create high-quality content that drives results.

Robust Tracking and Reporting

CJ Affiliate provides advanced tracking and reporting tools that allow advertisers to monitor the performance of their influencer campaigns in real-time. This data can be used to optimize campaigns and improve results.

Compliance and Transparency

CJ Affiliate is committed to ensuring compliance and transparency in influencer marketing. Advertisers and influencers are required to disclose their relationship, and CJ Affiliate provides guidelines and resources to help ensure that campaigns comply with regulations and industry best practices.

Overall, CJ Affiliate offers a range of tools and resources to help advertisers with influencer marketing. With its large network of influencers, customizable campaigns, performance-based payments, robust tracking and reporting, and compliance and transparency guidelines, CJ Affiliate can help advertisers create effective influencer marketing campaigns that drive results.

Commission Junction Service Option

Commission Junction (CJ Affiliate) offers a variety of service options to meet the needs of advertisers and publishers. Here are some of the service options available:


CJ Affiliate offers a self-service platform that allows advertisers and publishers to manage their own accounts, create campaigns, and track performance. This option is best for those who have experience with affiliate marketing and prefer to manage their own campaigns.

Managed Services

CJ Affiliate provides managed services for advertisers who prefer to have a dedicated team of experts handle their campaigns. Managed services can include campaign setup, optimization, reporting, and analysis, as well as ongoing support and consultation.

Affiliate Program Management

CJ Affiliate offers affiliate program management services for advertisers who want to outsource the day-to-day management of their affiliate program. This service includes recruiting affiliates, managing relationships, and providing support and training.

Publisher Development

CJ Affiliate provides publisher development services to help publishers grow their audience, increase traffic, and drive conversions. This service includes personalized support, training, and resources to help publishers improve their content and optimize their campaigns.

Technical Support

CJ Affiliate offers technical support to help advertisers and publishers troubleshoot issues and optimize their campaigns. This includes assistance with tracking and reporting, API integrations, and other technical issues.

Overall, CJ Affiliate offers a range of service options to meet the needs of advertisers and publishers, from self-service to managed services to affiliate program management and publisher development. Whether you are just starting out in affiliate marketing or looking to scale your campaigns, CJ Affiliate has a service option that can help you achieve your goals.

Commission Junction Affiliate Network Pros and Cons

The Commission Junction Affiliate Network has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and it’s important to consider these before deciding to use the platform. Here are some of the pros and cons of using CJ Affiliate:


  • Large network: Commission Junction Affiliate Network has a large network of advertisers and publishers, making it easier to find partners and opportunities to monetize your website.
  • Robust reporting: CJ Affiliate provides detailed reporting on performance metrics, allowing you to track your campaigns and optimize your strategy.
  • Wide range of industries: The Commission Junction Affiliate Network covers a wide range of industries and niches, giving you the flexibility to find partners and products that are relevant to your audience.
  • Performance-based payments: Commission Junction Affiliate Network operates on a performance-based payment model, meaning that you only pay when you get results, which can help you manage your budget more effectively.
  • Advanced tracking and analytics: CJ Affiliate provides advanced tracking and analytics tools that can help you track your campaigns and measure your ROI.


  • Complex setup: CJ Affiliate can be complex to set up and requires some technical expertise, which may be difficult for beginners.
  • High fees: CJ Affiliate charges high fees compared to other affiliate marketing platforms, which can eat into your earnings.
  • Quality control: CJ Affiliate has a large network, which can make it difficult to maintain quality control and prevent fraud.
  • Limited support: Commission Junction Affiliate Network’s support is limited and can be slow to respond to inquiries, which can be frustrating for users who need assistance.
  • Strict policies: Commission Junction Affiliate Network has strict policies on compliance and transparency, which can be challenging for some advertisers and publishers to navigate.

Overall, Commission Junction Affiliate Network is a powerful affiliate marketing platform that offers a large network, robust reporting, and advanced tracking and analytics tools. However, it also has its downsides, including a complex setup, high fees, and strict policies. It’s important to consider these pros and cons before deciding whether to use the Commission Junction Affiliate Network for your affiliate marketing needs.


Commission Junction Affiliate Network (CJ Affiliate) is a well-established and trusted affiliate marketing platform that offers a variety of service options for advertisers and publishers. It has a large network of partners across a wide range of industries, providing ample opportunities for monetization and growth.

The Commission Junction Affiliate Network provides advanced tracking and reporting tools to help users optimize their campaigns and measure their ROI. However, the platform does have some downsides, such as high fees and strict policies, which may be challenging for some users. Ultimately, whether CJ Affiliate is the right choice for your affiliate marketing needs will depend on your specific goals, expertise, and budget.


What is the Commission Junction (CJ) Affiliate Network?

Commission Junction, often referred to as CJ, is a popular affiliate marketing network that connects advertisers (merchants) with publishers (affiliates) who promote their products or services. It facilitates partnerships and tracks the performance of affiliate marketing campaigns.

How do I join the CJ Affiliate Network as an Affiliate?

To become a CJ affiliate, you need to sign up on their platform. Visit the CJ Affiliate website and complete the application process. Once approved, you can search for advertisers and start promoting their products or services on your website, blog, or social media channels.

How do I earn money with the CJ Affiliate Network?

CJ affiliates earn money through commission-based marketing. When you promote an advertiser’s product or service and drive a sale, lead, or other desired action, you earn a commission. The commission rates and terms vary between advertisers, so it’s essential to review each advertiser’s terms before promoting their offers.

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