Data Tab in MS Excel 2007: Unlocking Advanced Data Manipulation Techniques

Data Tab in MS Excel 2007 is used for inserting files from another program, for Sort and Filters and validation, and can do some more important tasks under Data Tab in MS Excel 2007.

Data Tab in MS Excel 2007

Get External Data:

There are many options under this. With the help of this, you can fetch data from some other place. You can also change it in the Data Tab in MS Excel 2007.

  • From Access: You May insert a file created in Microsoft Access. Program by this option in the Excel sheet.
  • From Web: through this option, in the Data Tab in MS Excel 2007, you insert the file of Internet or Web into an Excel sheet.   
  • F Text: Via this option, insert a text file into an Excel sheet.   
  • F Other Sources: Any file created by this option in any program can be inserted into an Excel sheet. 
  • Existing Connection: Through this option, you can insert any Existing file into an Excel sheet.  


  • Refresh All: It is used to refresh all the data you insert from another file in the Data Tab in MS Excel 2007.
  • Connection: With this option, you can see the link to all other source files you have inserted here.  
  • Properties: With this option, you can see in which cell the external data is inserted, and you can see the properties of all the data.   
  • Edit Links: With this, you can edit the links of other files.  

Sort & Filter: Data Tab in MS Excel 2007

  • Sort: Use this option to fetch any data in order. Like in the company shop school etc. of their employees or buyers who prepare the book “Register”. That name, date, salary, etc. can be done in a sequence with the help of this option. On clicking this option, its dialog box will appear. In which the following methods have been adopted to use the present option.

Method: First of all enter the following table in your sheet of records. After this, select the name from the drop-down list of Sort by OK in the short dialog box. All the names will be in one order. If you want to have all the same names in the same order according to the month, then by doing so, select Ok from the drop-down list. Of then by month from the Sort dialog box. All the names will be sorted by month.   

  • Filter: With the help of this option, you can sort any row as per your wish from the records made in the Data Tab in MS Excel 2007. There are three options under this.  
    • 1- Clear: With the help of this, you can easily sort any row from the records as you wish. To do this, first select any cell from your record. Click on this option.  
    • 2- Reapply: With the help of this option, all records can be reapplied. This option will start when you have to sort some of the records. It is just like all options.  
    • 3- Advance: With the help of this option, you can also sort any record from the records prepared as per your wish.

The specialty of this option is that with the help of this option, you can sort the record and also make a copy of it.  

Data Tools:

  • Text to Columns: With the help of this option, text written over more than one cell can be divided into different columns.  
  • Remove Duplicates: With the help of this option, you can delete the duplicate row in the sheet.
  • Data Validation: With the help of this option, you can write the fixed number in any selected range in the Data Tab in MS Excel 2007. That is, the selected range will not accept anything else. Just like we want to accept more than 500 and less than 3000 in the selected range. Then use this option for this. As shown in the following dialog box.  
  • Consolidate: With the help of this option, we use to copy the data written in another file or open the sheet to another location.  
  • What If Analysis: With this option, you can analyze the data. There are 3 options under this.   
  • Scenarios Manager: With the help of this option, you can set any number or word according to your wish by any name in one or more cells. So that whenever you want to see the set number or word, you can see it by clicking on the show button.

The advantage of this is that we have to write something similar. Which we don’t want to reveal. Or do we want this? If this calculation is erased from the page, then it can be viewed whenever you want.  

Goal Seek:

After adding this option, which is the answer in the Data Tab in MS Excel 2007. You can increase this number as much as you want. If you add 40+70+49 then the answer is 200. Now you want this answer to be 200 which is 300. So to do this, you will have to increase the number arising in one of those numbers (40+70+90). So that you want as much as total. May it be complete.  


First of all, add those numbers to get it select the number obtained, and click on the Goal Seek option. A dialog box named Goal Seek will appear in front of you.  

  • Set cell: Give the range of numbers obtained in this box. Like – B4.
  • To Value: Write down the number in this box to do as little as possible. Like – 300.
  • By Change cell: Give a range of one of the numbers added to this box like 40,70,90 – like B1 then do ok. After that, a dialog box will appear, in which the number 200 will be changed from 300 as soon as click on ok.  
  • Data Table: With the help of this option, the result of the formula used in the selected column or row can be obtained as a table.  


  • Group & Auto Outline: With the help of this option, you can create a group of selected columns or rows. So that whenever you want to hide this column or row, you can hide it. If you want to show more then you can show it.
  • UnGroup & Clear Outline: With the help of this option, you can ungroup any selected column or row.  
  • Subtotal: With the help of this option, all the totals are extracted.  

Method: Firstly prepare a record according to this map. After that select the entire record and click on the Subtotal option. A dialog box named Sub Total will appear.  

  • Show Detail: With this option, you can hide the data in the sheet.  
  • Hide Detail: With this option, you can show the data hidden in the sheet in the Data Tab in MS Excel 2007.


The Data tab in MS Excel 2007 offers a plethora of powerful tools for managing and manipulating data effectively. From importing data from various sources to sorting, filtering, and performing advanced analyses, Excel provides a comprehensive suite of features to meet diverse data handling needs. Whether it’s organizing data, removing duplicates, setting validation rules, or conducting what-if analyses, Excel equips users with the tools necessary to streamline workflows and derive meaningful insights from their data.


What is the purpose of the “Get External Data” option under the Data tab?

The “Get External Data” option allows users to import data from different sources such as Access databases, web pages, text files, and other external sources directly into Excel for analysis and manipulation.

How can I sort data using the Data tab in MS Excel 2007?

You can sort data by selecting the desired column and clicking on the “Sort” button. This allows you to arrange data in ascending or descending order based on specified criteria such as alphabetical order or numerical value.

What is the significance of the “Data Tools” section in Excel’s Data tab?

The “Data Tools” section offers various functionalities like splitting text into columns, removing duplicates, validating data inputs, and conducting what-if analyses. These tools help users clean, organize, and analyze their data efficiently.

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