Formula Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007: From Basics to Advanced Features

In this Formula Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007, you can extract any result in another cell using any function like addition subtraction multiplication division, etc.

Formula Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007

Function Library:

A lot of formulas exist under this option. Every formula has a different way of extracting. How do we use some special formula in this post, let’s know it.

  • Insert Function: With the help of this option, all the work related to mathematics can be done. By clicking on it, this dialog box will appear in front of you.   
  • Search for a Function: In this box write the function you want to use. Now click on the Go button. That function will be selected.  
  • Select a category: Select from this drop-down list the type of function you want to use.
  • Select a function: Select a function from this list and do OK.  
  • AutoSum: Using this option you can quickly add any account. There are the following options under this.  
  • Average: With this option, you can extract the average of the data written in the sheet.   
  • Count Number: With this option you can count the data written in the sheet, remembering that it will count only the cell containing the number.   
  • Max: With this option, you will tell the largest number in the data written on the sheet.   
  • Min: With this option, you will tell the smallest number in the data written on the sheet.  

More Function:

With this option, you can use more formulas in the sheet.  

  • Recently Used: In this, all the formulas you have used a week or two before, can be seen in this formula.  
  • Financial: With this option, you can do financial accounting for your company. If you have, to know how much interest to pay on it, you can try applying the PMT formula.  
  • Logical: In this, you can see the percentage of the logical function by doing it, mark sheet, etc. And can also use True and False.  
  • Text: This option is used for the character. If you have to see the length of a word and extract the left and right letters then the text function is used in Formula Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007.
  • Date & Time: This option is used to find the date time and year in Formula Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007. =NOW()↩
  • Lookup & Reference: This option is used to view and sort values.  
  • Math & Trig: With this you can use the function of Math.  
  • More functions: If you want to use the heavy-duty function, you can do it from more functions in Formula Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007.

Defined Name

Name Manager: With the help of this option you can edit and delete the name manager created in the workbook in Formula Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007.

  • Define Name: With the help of this option, you can select more than one cell and give it a name. So that whenever you need to select all these cells or add the number present in all these cells. Only the name has to be given while using the function. There is no need to give different names to each cell. 
  • Use in Formula: You can select the defined name you have created from here and use the formula.
  • Create from Selection: This allows the cell selected to be named automatically.  

Formula Auditing: Formula Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007

Using any function like addition subtraction, multiplication division, etc. You took out any program in another cell and you are in doubt as to which result is which? So let’s use this option to solve it.

Trace Precedents:

First, select that result. Which to know about. Whose result it is? Then use this option, using this option will create arrow marks from here to there. Which will know whose result it is? 

Trace Dependents:

First, you select the cell whose result is to be seen. Then use this option, using this option will create arrow marks from here to there. Which will know that this is the result.  

  • Remove Arrows: When you see the result of a value, then the arrow arrives, use this to remove that arrow.  
  • Show Formulas: With this option, you can see whatever formula you have applied under Formula Auditing.  
  • Error Checking: If the formula was wrong somewhere on your sheet in the Formula Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007, you can see it.  
  • Evaluate Formula: From this, you can see the location of the cell in the formula applied.  
  • Watch Window: With this, you can see the value of the record created in your sheet in the Formula Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007 in the window.  


Whatever formula you use in Excel is automatically calculated in Formula Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007.

  • Calculation Options: There are three options in this, the first is Automatic which Auto executes when multiplying in Excel. Second Automatic Except for Data Table This is used to create a data table and the third manual can be used as per your wish.  
  • Calculate Now: This option will work only on your current workbook.  
  • Calculate Sheet: Formula Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007 This option will work on your current sheet only.


In Microsoft Excel 2007’s Formula Tab, a plethora of functions and tools are available to perform various calculations and manipulations on data. From basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to more advanced functions for financial, logical, text, date & time, lookup & reference, and mathematical operations, Excel provides a comprehensive toolkit for data analysis and manipulation. The Formula Tab offers features such as Insert Function, AutoSum, More Functions, Defined Name Manager, Formula Auditing, and Calculation Options to enhance productivity and accuracy in spreadsheet tasks.


How do I use functions in Microsoft Excel 2007’s Formula Tab?

To use functions, click on the “Insert Function” button, search for the desired function, select a category, choose a function, and click OK.

How can I trace precedents and dependents in Excel?

To trace precedents, select the cell and use the “Trace Precedents” option. To trace dependents, select the cell and use the “Trace Dependents” option.

What is AutoSum used for?

AutoSum allows for quick addition of numerical data, along with options for calculating averages, counting numbers, and finding maximum and minimum values, among others.

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