Page Layout Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007: Crafting Professional Reports

Page Layout Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007 You can bring a line or borderline number on the four sides of the page through the option present in Page Layout Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007. Apart from this, write down from the bottom or middle of the page, and fix these things. You can set the theme etc.

Page Layout Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007


Through the Page Layout Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007, you can get the designs made in the document. It is such a set of unified design elements and color schemes. Which helps in producing a professional and designed document. Due to this the document is easy to view on MS Word, e-mail, and the web.  

  • Colors: In this option, you can set the color of the theme of your page.   
  • Fonts: In this option, you can set the font of your page theme.   
  • Effects: In this option, you can set the impact of the theme of your page.   

Page Setup:

Let’s set the page by Page Layout Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007. You can set orientation in the page, page columns, margins, etc.

  • Margins: By clicking on the option in it, you can fix the space for Margin and Header and Footer on the four sides of the page.   
  • Orientation: With this option, you can set the orientation of your page. If you want to keep the landscape, click on the landscape, otherwise, you can select it by clicking on the portrait.  
  • Size: From here you can change the size of your page. It has many types of sizes. Like- (Letter, Letter Small, Tabloid, Ledger, Legal, Statement, Executive, A3, A4, A4 Small). A4 Size is usually kept but here you have to decide what kind of printout you want to take out. So, you can select that.  
  • Print Area: With this option, you can print by selecting from here how much area of ​​the sheet you want to print. The part to be printed. Similarly, you can print the column and row line and columns and rows heading.
  • Break: On clicking this, two options will appear, in which you select the cell from which to insert the brake. Click on Insert Brake and the brake will be inserted. And if you want to remove it, then click on Remove Page break. Will be removed.
  • Background: Through this, you can add colors, different designs, wallpaper, etc. to the background of your page.  
  • Print Titles: It prints the file opened by it.  

Scale to Fit:

With this option, you set the length and width of the page in Page Layout Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007.

  • Width: Set which page of the number you want to print from here.   
  • Height: With this option, how many several pages do you want to print?   
  • Scale: Let’s set the scale of the page from here.   

Sheet Options:

You can hide and show the line of column and row and the heading of column and row from here.

  • Gridlines: To hide the gridline that shows inside the sheet with this option. If you tick in the box of view, it will show, and removing the tick will remove the gridline. If you put a tickmark in the print box, then this gridline will be printed on the page. After removing the print if you remove the tick mark, the grid line will not show in the print.   
  • Headings: With this option, columns A, B, C, and Row 1,2,3, which are visible inside the sheet, will show it. If they tick in the box of the view to hide it and on removing the tick, Column and Row’s Heading will also be removed.   

If you put a tickmark in Page Layout Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007 in the print box, then these headings will be print on the page after removing the print. And if you remove the tickmark, the heading will not show in the print.

Arrange: Page Layout Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007

With this option, you have to arrange the pictures, clip art, shapes, etc. inserted in your page. 

  • Bring to Front: Select The object by this option can be brought up.  
  • Bring Forward: Objects selected by this option can be moved up one by one in sequence.  
  • Bring in front of the text: The object selected by this option can be brought above the text.  
  • Send to Back: The object selected by this option can be brought down.
  • Send Backward: The objects selected by this option can be ordered one by one below.
  • Send Behind Text: The object selected by this option can be the text below.  
  • Selection Pane: By clicking on it, a pan will open on the right side in the Page Layout Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007. From where you can hide and show objects.   
  • Align: The object selected by this option, is to keep as per his wish. There are many options in it, you can see all.
  • Group: Through this option, several objects can be selected and formed into groups.
    • Regroup: Through this option, ungroup objects, etc. can be grouped twice.
    • Ungroup: You can separate objects grouped by this option.  
  • Rotate: You can rotate the object selected by it as per your wish in the Page Layout Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007.


The Page Layout Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007 offers a range of tools and options to enhance the appearance and layout of your spreadsheet. From setting page borders, adjusting margins, and defining print areas to applying themes, colors, fonts, and effects, Excel provides users with the means to create professional-looking documents. Additionally, features like Scale to Fit, Sheet Options, and Arrange empower users to customize their spreadsheets further, ensuring clarity and efficiency in data presentation.


How do I apply a theme to my Excel spreadsheet?

To apply a theme, navigate to the Page Layout Tab, click on the “Themes” dropdown menu, and select a theme. This will apply unified design elements and color schemes to your document.

How do I hide gridlines and column/row headings in Excel?

To hide gridlines, go to the Sheet Options section in the Page Layout Tab and uncheck the “Gridlines” box. To hide column and row headings, uncheck the “Headings” box. These changes will affect the appearance of your spreadsheet both on-screen and in print.

Can I customize the margins and page orientation in Excel?

Yes, you can customize margins and page orientation by clicking on the respective options under the Page Setup section in the Page Layout Tab. You can adjust margins, choose between portrait and landscape orientation, and select page sizes.

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