File Menu in MS Excel 2003: A Comprehensive Guide to File Management

File Menu In MS Excel 2003

All the options are there under the File Menu in MS Excel 2003. All of them are related to all the files. Like creating a new file, or opening a saved file. Save the open file. Sending files from the File Menu in MS Excel 2003 in other programs etc.

New (Ctrl+N):

File Menu In MS Excel 2003, the “New” option in the File menu (Ctrl+N) allows users to create a new spreadsheet or workbook. Upon selecting this command, a blank worksheet is generated, providing a fresh canvas for data entry, analysis, or chart creation. This feature simplifies the process of initiating new projects and ensures a streamlined start to spreadsheet tasks.

Open (Ctrl+O):

With this option, you can open the saved file. That is the file that you have already created with a name. To open that file again, click on this option will show the dialog box shown below. From the Look in the drop-down list, select the drive or directory in which the file is present. The names of the files will appear in the window below, select any one of those files and click on the open button.

Or double-click on that name. Or by typing the name of the file in the file name box, click on the Open button that you want to open. Select the type of file you want to open from the drop-down list of File of Type. And if you want to see the name of each type of file in Windows. So select All files from the same drop-down list.

Close (Ctrl+F4):

File Menu In MS Excel 2003, you use Close to close an open file. If any kind of change has been made in the open file. So while closing it, the option of Yes or No will be shown to save the computer. By doing yes, the changes made will be saved. And by doing No, without saving it will be close in the old form.

Save (Ctrl+S):

File Menu in MS Excel 2003 Use this option to save the opened file. If the file is not there then the dialog box will open as soon as you click on Save. Select the drive or directory in which to save the file from the Look in drop-down list. Then type a new name in the File name box. Select that style from the drop-down list of save as type. The type of file to be created. After that click on save the file will be saved.

Save As(Ctrl+Alt+S):

File Menu In MS Excel 2003, you can create a copy of the opened file with another name. The newly created file will open. And the old file will be closed.

Save As Web Page:

The “Save As Web Page” option in the File Menu In MS Excel 2003 enables users to convert their spreadsheets into web-friendly formats. This feature facilitates the creation of HTML documents, preserving formatting and data for online sharing. By selecting this command, users can seamlessly transform their Excel files into web pages, extending accessibility and collaboration possibilities.

Save Workspace:

With the help of this option, you can save more than one opened file under a different name. So that whenever you click on this name, all the files which you have saved with this name. open together.

Advantage: The advantage of this is that you are working in this file and sometimes in that file by opening many files simultaneously. Suddenly there was a need to shut down the computer. Now when you open the computer again, it does not remember which files were open.

Therefore, to avoid this problem, in the beginning, the files have to work. Open all those files and save all the files with any name with the help of the save workspace. Now whenever you click on this name with the help of the open option, all those files will be open.

It is used to know about any word. How many files is it in? After clicking on it, the task pane will come on the right side. I write that word in the box of the search text. Select that drive directory from the drop-down list of searches. In which to open the present file. After this select the file type from the result should be a drop-down list and click on the Go button. The names of all the files in which this word is present will appear. The name of the file is visible in the search task pane.


Under this, through the options present, certain people can be permitted to view the document and make changes to it. And if you want to end the permission given, you can terminate it.

Method: Click on Do not distribute under the permission option in the File menu. A dialog box named permission will come up. In which click on the check box of Restrict Permission to this <file type>.

After this, in the box of reading and change, write the name and e-mail address of the person to whom you want to give permission. After that click OK to save your document. So that those whom we have distributed get permission.

Note: This option can be used by (IRM) Information Right Management. Because it prevents sensitive documents and email messages from being forwarded and copied by unauthorized persons.

Note- Windows Right Management client is required to be installed to use IRM.

Web Page Preview:

You can browse a webpage without leaving Excel by using the web page preview tool. The file opened by this option can be viewed in Internet Explorer by making a .html file.

Page Setup:

With the help of the Page Setup option, we set it before printing in File Menu in MS Excel 2003. So that when printing this page with printer-like paper. So no part of the page gets cut off. On clicking this option, a dialog box will open in which there are some tab buttons. which are given here.

  1. Page: By clicking on this tab button, set the size and direction of the page as needed in length or width. Usually, the size of the page is kept A4.
  2. Margins: In this, you can leave space around the page.
  3. Header / Footer: By clicking on this tab button, you can bring the page number, time date, etc. to the top of the page. See its extension View Menu MS Excel.
  4. Sheet: By clicking on this tab button, you can select that part. How many parts to print? Similarly, you can print the line of column and row and the heading of column and row.

With the help of this option in the File Menu in MS Excel, you can select the area to print in the help sheet. So that whenever you write anything inside this field, only that is printed. not the rest. There are two options under this option. 

  • Set Print Area: The part of the sheet you want to print. Select only that part. After that click on this option. A border will come around the selection in a dash style. Now whatever will be present inside that area. Only that will be printed. Apart from that no.
  • Clear Print: With the help of this option, you can eliminate the area set to print. Now the whole page will print.

Before Printing the File Menu In MS Excel 2003 Use Print Preview to view your page to see what the print will look like.

If you want to print any file or photo, then through this option you print the opened file.

Send to:

You can send your file over the internet through the option present under File Menu in MS Excel 2003. At the bottom of which is Microsoft PowerPoint. Through this, you can send the present file to PowerPoint. Which is one of the programs of MS Office.

Properties: File Menu in MS Excel 2003

In this write all the information related to your file. On clicking on it, the following property bar will appear. In which the details related to the file will be present. Apart from this, if you want to write brief information related to the file. So you can write by clicking on the Summary Button. Apart from this, by clicking on the tab button present in it, you can get information related to the file.


You can close the File Menu In MS Excel 2003 program by the exit option. If the file is not saved then the option to save will come before closing the file.


The File Menu in MS Excel 2003 offers a comprehensive array of options, facilitating efficient file management and enhancing user productivity. From creating new workbooks to saving and sharing files, each command serves a specific purpose in organizing and optimizing spreadsheet tasks. The advanced features, such as Save As Web Page and Permission settings, demonstrate the versatility of Excel 2003 in adapting to diverse user needs.


Q: Can I collaborate on Excel files using the Save Workspace option?

Yes, the Save Workspace option allows you to save and reopen multiple files simultaneously, streamlining collaborative efforts.

Q: How does the Permission feature enhance document security?

The Permission feature allows you to restrict access and modifications to specified individuals, enhancing document security and control.

Q: What is the purpose of the Web Page Preview tool in Excel 2003?

The Web Page Preview tool enables users to view Excel files as web pages within the application, offering a convenient browsing experience.

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