Free Domain Registration for Blogger: A Comprehensive Guide to Boost Your Google Ranking

Let us know how to register a free domain for Blogger. So let’s Register a Free Domain Blogger. First of all, open your mobile or computer browser. Open the link given in the browser in the browser. After opening the website You click on the Sign in option. Which appears on the top right side. Now a new window will appear in front of you. You can create your account by putting your email in it. If you wish, please sign in direct Google account. When your account is created, follow the steps mentioned. And know how to register a Free Domain. After creating an account on this website, log in to your account. And in it click on Register a new domain option under the service menu.

Free Domain

Now you will see a screen to register the free domain. Just now click in the box of Find a new free domain and in that, you type your favorite name and click on Check Availability. Just Now click on Get it now which appears on the right side of whatever domain you want to take from it.

Your free domain will be selected as soon as you click on it. Now you click on the checkout given above. Now select 12 months in this period. And then click Continue. Now a new window will open in front of you, in which you have to fill in all your details. Enter all the details like address, company name, zip code, city, mobile number, etc. And then click on Complete Order. Now the order confirmation screen will be displayed in front of you. Now you click on it here to go to your Client Area. Your domain has been registered.

How to Add Free Domain in Blogger

Once the domain is registered, you log in to your blogger account and then try it in your blogger dashboard. Now you come to the menubar click on the Setting option and open it. Now you try in the box of the blog address. And click on Set up a third-party URL for your blog. Which is below?

Third-Party Free Domain Settings

1. Domain Name

Now type your website link in the box of third-party domain settings, which you have registered on the Farinom website. As shown in the box. When you have typed the website address, then you will click on the save button below, then the screen will open like the image below.

Now login to the Freenom website. When it opens its home screen when you Domain Click on the arrow button. And then from that you click on My Domain, and your domain will appear. On the right side, click on Manage Domain. Now you will see the option of Manage Domain in front of you, click on Manage Freenom DNS. And try it in the domain management screen.

2. CNAMEs Setup

Now you can try this in Blogger to set it. Copy the code from www. After That try it on the screen of Freenom’s Domain Management. And you paste the www in the box name. And then copy the second code which is on the right side of www from Blogger domain settings.

Then try it on the screen of Freenom Domain Management. After that paste it into the Target box. Then you select CNAME in Type. Now try again in Blogger Domain Settings. Copy the code with r3eiwrul from it. Then try it on the screen of Freenom’s Domain Management.

Paste it in the box with the name. And then copy the second code which is on the right side of r3eiwrul from Blogger domain settings. And then try it on the screen of Freenom’s Domain Management. Paste it into the Target box. Then you select CNAME in Type.

3. View Setting Instruction Free Domain

Now you click on the View Setting Instruction option in the Blogger domain setting. On click, a new window will open in front of you. If you scroll down to the bottom side, you will see that some such IP addresses will appear below as you are seeing below.

Now you copy the IP address above it. Try it on the screen of Freenom’s Domain Management. And paste it into the box containing Target. Similarly, you copy all IP addresses repeatedly and then try them on the screen of Domain Management of Freenom. And paste it into the box containing Target. When all the codes are complete, then you save them. This will look exactly the way.

4. Save

Now you try Blogger Free Domain Settings. And click on the Save button, which will save your domain settings completely. Then refresh your blogger dashboard, and a redirect box will appear by going to blogger free domain settings. Put a tickmark in it and save it once again. Now your blog has been saved in the Register Free Domain Blogger you can visit and view your blog.


Registering a free domain for your Blogger website through platforms like Freenom can be a straightforward process, offering you the opportunity to personalize your blog’s web address without any additional costs. By following the steps outlined above, you can navigate through domain registration and integration seamlessly. Once your domain is registered and configured, your blog gains a professional touch, enhancing its visibility and accessibility to your audience.


Can I register multiple free domains for my Blogger account?

Yes, you can register multiple free domains for different blogs or even use multiple domains for a single blog by setting up domain redirects.

Are there any limitations with free domains?

Free domains typically come with certain restrictions such as limited customization options and branding of the domain provider. Additionally, free domains may not offer as much credibility as paid domains.

Can I upgrade my free domain to a paid one later?

Yes, most domain providers offer the option to upgrade from a free domain to a paid one with additional features and benefits.

How long does it take for the domain changes to take effect?

Domain changes such as DNS settings and propagation can take up to 24-48 hours to fully propagate across the internet, though it often happens much faster.

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