View Tab in MS Excel 2007: Customizing Your Excel Experience

All the options present in the View Tab in MS Excel 2007 are related to the page. That is to change the mode of the page, bringing the toolbar to the page as you wish.

View Tab in MS Excel 2007

Note- down at the top of the page. Spread your page all over the screen etc.

Workbook: View Tab in MS Excel 2007

  • Normal: By running this option, you can only write on the page. Cannot create objects etc. And if the object is already created. Then it will not be visible.
  • Page Layout: By running this option, the page will look the same as the print.
  • Page Break Preview: By turning on this option, the size in which the print usually comes out. The same size will be displayed along with the page number by dividing the sheet into different pages.
  • Custom View: With the help of this option, you can view a particular page. To do this, first, you have to give a name by placing the cursor on all those pages.  
  • Full Screen: Through this option, you can spread your page across the screen in the View Tab in MS Excel 2007.

Show / Hide:

  • Ruler: This option is used to fetch and remove the ruler in the View Tab in MS Excel 2007.
  • Gridlines: This can bring gridlines to your page.
  • Message Bar: The message Bar can be opened to complete any Required Action on a Document in the View Tab in MS Excel 2007.
  • Formula Bar: By clicking on this option, we bring and remove the formula bar.
  • Headings: With this option, you can show and hide the row and column headings.


  • Zoom: Through this option, you can make your page much smaller. If you want to bring the page to normal form, then click on 100%, and your page will become normal.
  • Zoom to Selection: By selecting this option, you can do as much as you want to zoom by selecting your page.


There are all the options under this. They are all related to windows. The screen of MS Excel is called the window.

  • New Window: Use it to open more than one window in the View Tab in MS Excel 2007.
  • Arrange All: To minimize multiple open windows. Let’s do this option.  
  • Freeze Pane: The cell that is selected will have a thin line around it.
  • Split: Use it to split open windows in the View Tab in MS Excel 2007.  
  • Hide: With this option, you can hide the open workbook.
  • Unhide: With the help of this option, you can show the hidden workbook in the View Tab in MS Excel 2007.  
  • View Side by Side: Two documents View side by side so that you can compare their content.  
  • Synchronous Scrolling: Synchronize the scrolling of two documents so that they scroll simultaneously. To enable this feature, turn on the side view in the View Tab in MS Excel 2007.  
  • Rest Window Position: Reset the window position of the documents side-by-side so that they move the screen evenly.  
  • Save Workspace: With the help of this option, you can save more than one open file under another name. So that whenever you click on this name, all the files you have saved with this name. Open together.  
  • Advantage: Its advantage is that you are working in this file and sometimes in that file by opening multiple files at once. Suddenly there was a need to shut down the computer. Now when we open the computer again, it does not remember which files were open. So to avoid this problem, open all the files in which you have to work initially, and save all the files by any name with the help of the save workspace option. Now whenever you click on this name with the help of the open option, all those files will be opened.
  • Switch Windows: This closes the window of the Current Document.  


You can record your article by macro in View Tab Excel. So that when he wants to bring it. Can bring. On clicking this option, a strip will open which has the following options.  

1- Macros

On clicking this, the dialog box will open. Where in the box named Macro, type the name of the recorded macro, then click on the Run option button. On click, the recorded thing will appear on the page.   

2- Record New Macro

On clicking this, the dialog box will open. In the box where the macro name is the name with which to record the macro in the View Tab in MS Excel 2007. Write that name and do ok. A square tool will appear on the page. And the cursor will come in the form of a cassette. Whatever you write will be recorded in the given macro name.

Now, to stop recording, click on the stop recording button inside the square tool present on the page. Recording will stop as soon as click. To get the record one, click on the macros option, By which name the macro is recorded. Select it and click on run. The recorded article will come where the cursor is.  

Note: The dialog box that comes from clicking Record New Macro has two options.  

(1) Toolbars

Can bring macros recorded by it as toolbars. So that whenever there is a need to fetch the record macro. Click on this toolbar to bring the record item to the page. Clicking on it will open the dialog box where click on toolbars and click on new. The second dialog box will open.

Which, by typing any name in the box named Toolbar, do OK, the toolbar will be created with this name. Now pick up the normal new macro in the box of the command by placing it in the toolbar we create. And close the dialog box. Now whenever you click on this toolbar, the record text will appear on the page.

(2) Keyboard

It can set text recorded in any button in macro in View Tab in MS Excel 2007.

Way: Click on it will open the dialog box. press the cursor in the box press the new shortcut, and press any letter with Ctrl. Then click on Assign and click Close. A toolbar named Stop will appear on the page. Now whatever you write will be recorded. When the record needs to be closed click on Stop Record. Now whenever you press the shortcut, the recorded text will appear on the page in the View Tab in MS Excel 2007.


The View Tab in MS Excel 2007 offers a range of powerful tools and features to enhance your productivity and customize your spreadsheet experience. Whether you need to adjust the layout for printing, manage multiple windows, or automate tasks with macros, the View Tab provides the flexibility and control you need to work efficiently with your data. By exploring and mastering the options available in the View Tab, you can streamline your workflow and unlock the full potential of Excel 2007.


What is the purpose of the View Tab in MS Excel 2007?

The View Tab in MS Excel 2007 provides various options to customize the appearance and layout of your spreadsheet. It allows you to control how your data is displayed on the screen, including options for page layout, zoom, window management, and more.

How can I use the View Tab to improve my workflow?

By utilizing the options available in the View Tab, you can tailor your Excel workspace to suit your specific needs. For example, you can adjust the zoom level for better visibility, split windows to compare different parts of your spreadsheet, or freeze panes to keep certain rows or columns visible while scrolling.

How can I record and use macros in Excel 2007?

Excel 2007 allows you to record and run macros, which are automated sequences of actions that can perform tasks for you. By using the Macro options in the View Tab, you can record a series of actions, assign them to buttons or keyboard shortcuts, and replay them whenever needed to automate repetitive tasks.

What is the benefit of using the Custom View feature?

The Custom View feature allows you to save different views of your spreadsheet with specific settings, such as zoom level, hidden rows or columns, and more. This can be useful for quickly switching between different perspectives of your data without manually adjusting settings each time.

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