Window Menu in MS Word 2003: Unveiling the MS Word for Enhanced Document Management

Window Menu in MS Word 2003

All the options under the Window Menu in MS Word 2003 are related to all the windows. Although you will rarely find yourself using some of these tools. You can do all kinds of manipulations in this. The MS Word screen itself is called a window. Let’s start with the Window menu and see what it consists of.

New Window:

Use New Window to open more than one Window Menu in MS Word 2003:. When you click on New Window, the exact copy of your document will open in another window.

Arrange: Window Menu in MS Word 2003

To minimize multiple open windows. Use the arrange all option. On clicking on the Arrange All option, a dialog box will appear. In which ok by selecting the option according to your wish. Based on this it will be very easy for you to analyze the page.

Compare Side by Side with:

With the help of this command, you can compare the workbook of the Window Menu in MS Word 2003. Whenever you open a new workbook, it will open it by designing Side by Side.


With this command, you can divide the screen, you can detach the window from the place where the cursor is on the page. The Split option Window Menu in MS Word 2003 will divide the page’s window into four parts.

Remove Split:

With the help of this command, you can remove the window you split. This option will appear only when you run the split command when you open two or three documents in your file. Then this option will show you which file you are working on.


The Window Menu in MS Word 2003 offers a range of functionalities to manage multiple document windows efficiently. The “New Window” feature allows users to open a copy of the document in a separate window, facilitating multitasking. The “Arrange” option enables the user to minimize and organize multiple open windows, enhancing readability. “Compare Side by Side” allows for a detailed comparison of different documents simultaneously. The “Split” and “Remove Split” options offer a flexible way to divide and reorganize the screen based on user preferences. These features contribute to a more streamlined and productive user experience within MS Word 2003.


Q: How does the “New Window” feature in the Window Menu in MS Word 2003 work?

The “New Window” feature opens an exact copy of the document in a separate window, allowing users to work on different sections simultaneously.

Q: What is the purpose of the “Compare Side by Side” option in the Window Menu?

The “Compare Side by Side” option is used to view and compare different documents side by side for detailed analysis and editing.

Q: How can the screen be divided using the “Split” command in the Window Menu in MS Word 2003?

The “Split” command divides the page’s window into four parts, providing a convenient way to focus on specific sections of the document.

Q: When does the “Remove Split” option appear in the Window Menu?

The “Remove Split” option appears when the user has used the “Split” command to divide the window, allowing them to revert to a single-window view.

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