MS-DOS Commands Prompt: Unleashing the Power of Command-Line Mastery

This comprehensive guide dives into the realm of MS-DOS commands, which are essential for issuing instructions to the computer and executing various tasks. Divided into internal and external commands, this post covers a wide range of commands along with their applications and significance in the MS-DOS environment. From basic file management commands to advanced system configuration tools, readers will gain valuable insights into harnessing the power of MS-DOS for enhanced productivity and efficiency.

MS-DOS Commands

Internal MS-DOS Commands

Those MS-DOS Commands are called. Which is already on the computer? That is loaded with DOS. 

Like- copy con, md, dir, cls, copy, del, ver, vol, time, date, cd, etc.

External Commands

Those MS-DOS Commands are called, Which are later loaded into the computer? Like- edit, chkdsk, scandisk, format, attrib, mode, more, tree, deltree etc.

Use and importance of MS-DOS Commands


By this MS-DOS command, we can see the data present in the computer. And can also change.


By this MS-DOS command, we can see the time present in the computer. And can also change.

C: > VOL

By this MS-DOS command, we can see the serial number and label of the computer computer.

C: > VER

With this MS-DOS command, you can see the version number of DOS.

C: > DIR

With these MS-DOS Commands, we can see the names of files and directories present in the computer.

C: > DIR / P

By this MS-DOS Commands, we can see the names of files and directories present in the computer according to the page.  

Note: This will happen when the directory and file names are more than one screen.

C: > DIR / W

By this MS-DOS Command, names of directories and files can be viewed in width. But it will not show other than command names like byte date time etc.  

C: > DIR / P / W By

These MS-DOS Commands, Names of directories, and files can be viewed in width according to the page.

C: > DIR / S By

this MS-DOS Commands, we can see all the files and directories present in the computer.

Note: To stop these MS-DOS Commands, press Ctrl+C.

C: > CLS

Can clear the screen with these MS-DOS Commands. 


This MS-DOS Commands, we can create a team to identify our name in the computer.


By this MS-DOS command, you can create a file by any name. A cursor will appear as soon as we enter the MS-DOS Commands, now we can write anything. To protect this, let’s use F6 or Ctrl + z buttons. Now as soon as we enter, C Prompt will come.


Can see the text of files created by these MS-DOS Commands.

Method: Enter the space by typing the MS-DOS Commands and then enter the name of the file you want to see. The file will open as soon as you enter it.


This MS-DOS command can copy any old file with another name.

Method- Enter the space by writing the MS-DOS Commands and then the name of the old file, then the space, then the name with which to copy. A copy will be ready as soon as you enter.


By this MS-DOS Commands, More than one old file can be copied to a new name in one place.

Method: Enter the space by typing the MS-DOS Commands and then enter the name of the old file, then the + sign, then the old file name, then the space, then the name of the new file. As soon as you enter, a copy of the two files will be generated with the new name.

Note- In this way, you want to submit the article of the old file by this sign (+). You can store it by putting a + sign in the middle of every name.


This MS-DOS Commands, The file name can be changed. Like we replaced FLAH with ONLINE.
This command is used at that time. When a file or article of a file is deleted and you want to bring that file back. Then we use the rename MS-DOS Commands to do so. For example, if a file named inpage is deleted computer.doc, it will be backed up with the same name but its extension will be computer.doc1. Now change this extension.

Way: as soon as ren computer.doc1, computer.doc is entered, The backup file will be converted into the original file. Now we can open this file in that program. The program that contains this file. In this way, the Extension of any backup file can be changed to the original file. However, it is necessary to replace the Extension of the backup file with the extension of the program that the file is.

Note: The computer automatically creates a backup file of each file with the same name. Which only has a different extension name. For this reason, you cannot open the backup file without changing it.


You can create a directory under this MS-DOS Commands under any new name.

C: > MD LAB can

Also, create a directory with a new name by this MS DOS Commands.


Can enter the directory by this MS DOS Command.


Can also enter a directory by this MS DOS Command.

C: LAB> CD ..

These MS DOS Commands can be exited from the directory one by one.


Can also be exited from the Directory by this MS DOS Command.


With this command, several directories can be exited simultaneously.

Note: With these MS DOS Commands, we can move to another directory as soon as we leave any directory.

Like: (C: >) There are two directories on the C route. (1) LAB and (2) SKY and more work is happening in Sky. But suddenly you need to go to LAB and then write the command like this.  


Result-  C: LAB>
Both work will be done at the same time. The character has to be removed from the directory first. Then you have to go to another directory. And if there are multiple directories inside a directory.

For: LAB inside SKY and ONLINE inside LAB and we want to go inside ONLINE. Then the MS DOS Commands will be typed as follows. Can also do C: > CD SKY LAB ONLINE 
or the like.




Which is of work CD. This is the work of this MS DOS Commands.


By this MS DOS Command, we need to keep two things in mind to delete any directory. (1) Directory being empty (2) Being out of the directory.


The work of RD is the same work of RMDIR.


With this MS DOS Command, we can delete any file. 

Note: To delete multiple files, use this symbol (*). If different and the extension name is one. The first (*) then dot (.) And then type the extension name.

Like: C: > DEL *.TMP and if all the names are the same and the extension name is different then put the first name and then dot and then *. E.g. –  C: > DEL LAB. * All files with this extension name will be deleted at the same time.


Can retrieve files deleted by it.


Through this, you can check the text of the lobby file which is more than one screen. 

Note: You can also type a command like this.  


Press this back to Shilesh Bhutto with the shift for the symbol lane.

C: > Find “God” LAB / n 

Can find out about any letter word in the text of the file created. Which line it is in? And what is the line number?

C: > Attrib + h LAB

Can hide directory and file names by this MS DOS Commands. 

Note: Now when we run the DIR command, the file or directory we have named. File and directory names will be removed from the list.

C: > Attrib -h LAB With

With this MS DOS Command, you can bring back the hidden directory or file. Now we will see when the DIR command is present.

C: > Attrib + R LAB

Let us create a Read Only file by this MS DOS Commands. That is why we cannot make any kind of change in this file, this spread gets locked.

C: > Attrib -R LAB

Can convert to Read Only file by this MS DOS Commands. That is, you can end the lock.

C: > DIR / ON By

In this MS DOS Command, the directory and file name can be viewed sequentially by the letter’s character. That is, the names that start with A can be seen first and then those of B in this way.

C: > DIR / ON

Can see directory and file names in reverse order by this MS DOS Commands. That is, the names starting with Z will be shown first, and then the ones up to this side.

C: > DIR / OE By 

In this MS DOS Commands, the extension name can be viewed sequentially from the A-side.

C: > DIR / OE 

Through these MS DOS Commands, the extension name can be seen in reverse order from A to Z.

C: > DIR / AD

Can see only the directory and file name by this command.

C: > DIR / OG

This will show the names of the directory first and then the names of the files.

C: > DIR / AH 

It will only show hidden directories and files.

C: > DIR / AR 

This will only show the Read Only file.

C: > DIR / OS 

This will only show the names of the files in a straight sequence according to the size. That means first the elder and then the smaller. This is the opposite of the MS DOS Commands above. That means it will show in reverse order.

C: > DIR / OD 

This will show the names of the files in a straight order by date.

C: > DIR dir-name With 

In this MS DOS Command, you can see the names of files and directories inside a particular directory.
Write the name of the directory instead of note-dir-name.

C: > DIR File-name

This is for viewing the names of a particular file.

C: > Sort 

Uses it to write articles temporarily. For enter by pressing the Ctrl + Z button, its copy will be shown by the order of the line. Although in writing, there is distance in line. But this file will not save.

C: > Sort> SKY 

This command is like Copy Con. The difference is that the command will save the text in the name of the line that we have given. We can see this through Type MS DOS Commands.

C: > Sort >> SKY

Additional files can be added to any legacy file. Then from the Type Command, this article will also appear in the order of the line. But it will give different order to increase article and old article.

C: > Sort <SKY

This is similar to Type Command by which you can view the text of a file according to the order of the line.

C: > Xcopy LAB ONLINE 

Can create a copy of the file made by it under any name in the directory. On entering it it will ask us whether to create a directory or file with this new name. If the file is to be created. Then pressing F and pressing the letter D will create a directory. This will only copy the file, not the directory.

C: > Xcopy LAB ONLINE / S 

With this MS DOS command, you can copy the directory along with the file created inside the directory. That is, it is used to copy the entire directory. But if there is any empty directory, it will not copy it.

C: > Xcopy LAB ONLINE / P 

It will take information before copying the file that the file has to be copied. or not. If you have to, then press Y or N.


This MS DOS Commandsis used to lane one or more files or directories with any name from one place to another.

Note: As many files as you want. Put a (+) symbol in the middle of each file name. And finally put the name in which to put it. For example, C: > Move Lab + Over + All + Mau + Online This will make all the files in the directory named Online.

C: > Deltree ONLINE

This MS DOS Commandsis used to delete those directories. In which there is a file or directory inside, such directory is called a subdirectory.

C: > Print SKY

You can print any file through this MS DOS command.

Batch File C: > copy con LAB.bat

This is called a batch file. Through this, various MS DOS Commands can be collected in one place. Use it at that place. Where we have to run the same type of commands every day. And we want that we do not need to write these commandos daily. To do this, create a batch file of these commands. Whose extension name is Bat.

Method- C: > copy con LAB.bat  Time Date Dir ^ Z Enter after pressing Ctrl + Z. The batch file will be generated. Now to run it, just write the name of the file with which the batch file is created at C prompt. Results will be displayed as soon as you enter.


This MS DOS Commandsis used while working in DOS. It is used to temporarily protect the memory of the computer. So that when we want to use those commands, We can get it through Arrow Key.

C: > D: For any drive, use the symbol (:) for Jane. Like – A: B: C: D: etc.

C: > Prompt LAB

The prompt is used to replace the name, date, time, etc. If you type $ T instead of LAB, the Prompt will change in time. And type $ D, the prompt will be changed to the date. Now again take the command like this to take C: > Prompt. C: > Prompt will execute as soon as prompt $ p $ g is entered.

Note: This sign ($) is called a dollar.

C: > Tree

If this command is loaded into the computer. So by this command, we can see the directory as a tree, not otherwise. And thus by writing C: > Tree / F Command one can see the name of the file along with the directory.


WILD CARDs are of two types. (1) Star (*) (2) Questions Mark (?) We use this symbol to replace those letters or words. Which we do not remember.

Note- A Question Mark (?) Is equal to a letter and a Star (*) is equal to a word.
The number of letters you will write by pressing the space in computer language is called a word.

C: > DIR Z *. *

This will show all files starting with Z. This way if we forgot the name and the extension name is So instead of the name, Star (*) then Dot (.) Then Extension Name.

Like: C: > dir *. Now with the extension, all the files will be visible. And if the file name is if. But do not remember the extension name, so we will give the MS DOS Commands. C: > dir lab.

* C: > DIR Z ?????. *

With these MS DOS Commands, we can see the name of those files. We do not remember some of whose letters. Do not remember as many letters. Put those questions in place of Question Mar (?).

Note: will also show the name of all the files in which that letter will be found. That we have written. But the name must have as many letters as we have put Question Mark (?).

C: > SET

It detects the path of the computer to work, etc.

C: Mode co40

It can change the size and shape of the screen.

C: > Mode co80C: > 

Mode mono

Note- The benefit of this MS DOS Commands will be known by running the Edit command.

C: > Edit Lab 

The way Copy con creates a file, In the same way, you can create a file from edit.
The difference is that the name has to be given at the same time when creating the file from CopyCon. But in the edit, we can give the name before or after saving. You can also make changes to the file created by copy con with Edit MS DOS Commands.

Way- as soon as you enter Edit, a new screen will open in front of you, which will have different menus. By which we can make a copy of our file. Can print Screen color is subject to change. You can find and replace any word in your article.


Mastering MS-DOS commands is crucial for efficiently navigating and controlling a computer system. Whether it’s performing file operations, managing directories, or configuring system settings, understanding the intricacies of MS-DOS commands can significantly streamline tasks and improve overall productivity. By familiarizing themselves with both internal and external commands, users can unlock the full potential of MS-DOS and optimize their computing experience.


Q: What are internal MS-DOS commands?

Internal MS-DOS commands are those commands that are built-in and readily available within the MS-DOS environment. These commands, such as COPY, MD, DIR, and CLS, perform various file and directory management tasks without the need for additional software.

Q: How do external MS-DOS commands differ from internal commands?

External MS-DOS commands are programs or utilities that are loaded into the computer separately and extend the functionality of the MS-DOS environment. Unlike internal commands, external commands, such as CHKDSK, FORMAT, SCANDISK, and XCOPY, are stored as separate executable files and are not built into the operating system.

Q: What are some commonly used MS-DOS commands for file management?

Some commonly used MS-DOS commands for file management include DIR (to display directory contents), COPY (to copy files), DEL (to delete files), REN (to rename files), and MOVE (to move files from one location to another).

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